If you have a café or restaurant and it does not go well...
or if you would have more cafes or restraurants or chains for example 5-6 of the same restaurants or cafes with the same names and you do not want to sell it, but you want something new and there is business that are not going well:

Inspirations, new styles

We have more plans for example
- Four restaurants,
- Three cafes,
- Two confectionery, 
- One burger place.

We will see, how that your place is working for you and which would fit you and you can choose which one you like and there we will do it.

Your business is our job

First step (three months trying out how it fits you):
New menu and marketing your business – with minimal costs

Second step:
Longtime agreement, we give of the name, also interior design (if needed), entirely new menu and we ask achievable remuneration.

If the given business type you gave first, we will give you one part of the second.

Do not sell it, we give you the perfect solution!